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吳德淳/成若涵: Video

吳德淳 / 成若涵





成若涵  紙雕藝術家






2019 台灣燈會 副燈〈點亮屏安〉 策展創作藝術家

2018 迪士尼米奇90展〈米奇Fun很大〉策展藝術家

2018 綠色和平 印尼雨林專案〈共森共創〉合作藝術家

2018 台北國際旅展 台北館10m北門紙雕裝置創作

2018 新光三越 這夏聽她說 參展藝術家

2018 台北捷運 心中山生活節 裝置藝術創作

2018 台北燈節 副燈創作藝術家

2018 元旦升旗 裝置藝術旗面創作

2018 來去士林學 士林圓環裝置藝術創作

2017 台南德記洋行150週年紀念商品創作

2017 新北帳篷藝術節 主裝置藝術創作

2016 白晝之夜 創作藝術家

2016 台北世界郵展 藝術創作個展

2016 台南觀光大阪推介會 舞台主視覺創作

2015 平溪天燈節 主燈創作






De-Chuen Wu received his MFA in video art from New York University. His animation short, A Piece of Cake, was nominated for Best Short Film at the 2010 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival; it was also presented with Best Animation and the Press Award at the Taipei Film Festival and selected as a Special Mention in the Independent Short Film and Video Awards (ifva) in Hong Kong. He once again won Best Animation at the Taipei Film Festival in 2014 for his work, Unknown Memory, which also won Best Animation at the Taichung International Animation Festival and the South Taiwan Film Festival. In 2016, Wu was presented with Best Animation at the South Taiwan Film Festival again for his work, Subsurface Flow.

In 2018, Wu presented a solo exhibition at Fuzhong 15 – New Taipei City Animation and Story Gallery, and the 5 animation short films presented were collected by the Ministry of Culture and the Kaohsiung Film Archive. Wu was invited by the Hong Kong International Film Festival to serve on its jury panel in 2019. Largely inspired by homeland and personal memories, Wu seeks to find the most suitable medium for his creative endeavors, and will continue to create video works in the future to convey the emotions and thoughts he has toward the land and society.

Jo-Han Cheng, Paper Sculptor

Founder of “Paper. Cut by Johan-Cheng” workshop

Representing Artwork: The Hundred Scenes of Taiwan

2018 Taipei Light Festival Producing Artist

2018 New Year’s Day Flag Raising Ceremony – Flag Design Artist

2018 Shih-Lin Roundabout Interactive Installation Art Artist

2017 Tainan The Tait 150 Year Anniversary Souvenir Design Artist

2017 New Taipei City – Tent Festival Main Display Artist

2016 Nuit Blanche and Taipei Philatelic Exhibition Participating Artist

2016 Tainan-Osaka Tourism Promotional Meeting – Main Stage Design Artist

2015 Ping-Xi Sky Lantern Festival Main Lantern Design Artist

JuMing Museum Display Artist and Hebei International Paper-Cutting Festival Bronze Medal Recipient. 

She uses her hands, her eyes, and her open heart to capture the warmest moments of Taiwan.

She transforms the most authentic stories in her heart into the delicate paper sculpture – “ The Hundred Scenes of Taiwan”.

This artwork is exquisite in its depiction of people’s expressions and the nooks and alleys in which their lives unfold. In the most unembellished fashion, she presented her most sincere feelings and imaginations for every inch of land that she walked. While it takes time, she hopes that her artwork can bring to the world the beauty of Taiwan.

She believes that art is woven in the fabrics of life; that beauty is indispensible. She has brought paper sculptures into our cities our streets and our heart; boldly and passionately decorating our homes with the lively interplay of light, shadow, and space.

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