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布拉瑞揚舞團      Bulareyaung Dance and Cultural Foundation: Video


布拉瑞揚舞團成立於2014年,由台灣原住民編舞家布拉瑞揚‧帕格勒法 (以下稱布拉)創立。在過去的二十年中,布拉多次受邀為國內外許多舞團編舞並演出。儘管如此,當布拉意識到自己身為一個原住民,也是一個排灣族人時,「認同」的過程引領了他往原住民文化的路上前進,並開啟了一段新旅程,更專注在文化養份當中來創作。


Bulareyaung Dance Company was founded in 2014 by Taiwan’s indigenous choreographer Bulareyaung Pagarlava (aka “Bula”) in Taiwan. During the last two decades, Bula has been invited on numerous occasions to choreograph and perform for various contemporary dance companies both at home and abroad. However, his increasing awareness of his Paiwan identity has led him towards a new path, focusing on his own indigenous culture.

He recently decided to return to his hometown and establish his own dance company in order to work with the talented indigenous youths, who not only can dance, but also have great voices, an important characteristic of this company. Through researching his own culture in greater depth with his own people, so as to find their own unique bodily expressions. Bula’s aim is to showcase his works on the global stage, performed by his indigenous company.

布拉瑞揚舞團      Bulareyaung Dance and Cultural Foundation: Service
布拉瑞揚舞團      Bulareyaung Dance and Cultural Foundation: Gallery
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